Thursday, June 17, 2010

Guest Reviewer ~ Bellavista229

Title: Daring to Dare

Written for: Genevieve

Written By: Carlette

Rating: PG-13 for a little FemSlash

Summary/Prompt used:

Characters/Couples preferred: any except Jacob/Edward

1-Couple of characters frequent a Wine Bar every Friday Night

2-A Park/ a Slide/ a Set of Swings

3-Two people enjoy a concert in the balcony section

4-Yoga Class

Daring to Dare by Carlette/4CullensandaBlack has one of the best and clever incorporations of the FAGE prompts I’ve read so far. She managed to use all of her four prompts in a unique way that will have you rolling on the floor in laughter as we join the gang on Dare Night.

The first dare of the night sees an amazing rendition of ‘Baby’s Got Back’. With the boys taking to the stage, dancing, interacting with the crowd and ‘screech[ing] in a high pitched voice,’ you will be giggling uncontrollably. The way the lyrics of the song are incorporated with the described actions of the guys really brings the performance alive; I could totally picture Edward and Emmett working their thing. Jacob’s squealed line, ‘Makes me feel so horny!’ just added to the hilarity of the dare.

The second dare had me giggling as well – although not as much as the third! This time it’s Leah’s turn, and with a little help from Rosalie and her talented tongue it is Mission Completed. At first, Leah seems a bit shocked by Rose’s suggestion, but that soon changes and Leah take control of her dare; ‘Leah grab[ed] Rose's head and put her tongue into her mouth’. The reactions of the security guard, Felix, when Leah and Rose were partaking in a little ‘performance’ of their own had me laughing again. Just goes to show, that with a little girl-on-girl action a chick can get whatever she wants!

Dare Three was possibly my favourite...but that’s probably because Jacob ended up making an idiot of himself! With a little help from Alice, the final two prompts are used; Yoga and a park. Alice has Jacob ‘bend down on all fours ... barking and growling... [and] chomping at their ankles.’ This sort of thing brings all sorts of happiness to my eternally Team Edward heart! In this section of the fic we also see more anti-canon pairing with Alice and Edward. Now, I haven’t really read any Alice and Edward fics myself, but if they were as amazingly written and utterly hilarious as this One Shot, I would be all over them.

From the first few lines of this story I was in love;

"Okay, don't go too fast," Emmett whispered.

"Yeah, we should just take it slow and then just let it come."

"That's what she said!" He choked out a laugh.

"Uh, let's just do this."

You can never have too much comic genius in a fic and this story certainly brings an unending supply. A must read for anyone who enjoys a laugh, likes seeing Jake embarrass himself and isn’t adverse to a little girl-on-girl and anti-canon couples!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, cool review. I actually wanted to go back and re-read this FAGE entry! lol

